Feeding Zotero

Zotero is where I keep an eclectic library of background to works in progress, works in incubation, and topics of interest. Zotero 2.0, which is still in beta, allows registered users to synchronize citations between computers and a page on the Zotero server itself. The citations are stored as a library with collections in subfolders, with feeds available at both levels, and can be made public. I liked the idea of pulling feeds from my collections into relevant pages, like my Women scientists in fiction page. It’s a work in progress, but figured I’d make notes before I forgot the convolutions and the useful links found along the way.

Currently there is no option to sync or make public just part of a library. That’s coming, but at the moment it is all or nothing. It is possible, using a Zotero-generated API key, to access a feed from an individual collection (folder) within a private library, but (naturally) click-through is not allowed so the full citation is not accessible. The Lifestream plugin gave a certificate error, when I attempted to add the Zotero feed as a generic blog, but the ZoteroFeedWidgit worked handily out of the box, installing a compact  Zotero feed in the sidebar. It’s not there now; in the sidebar was not where I wanted it, but it is an option for those wishing a sidebar feed. There’s an attached CSS file which grants the user some latitude in styling. The recommended syntax for calling the feed is:


To get the feed address, bring up the page of the individual collection (ie, folder or subfolder). At the bottom of the page, there is a standard RSS symbol with a link to subscribe to this feed. Right click and copy the link; it will be different for each collection.

An offered workaround was to create a separate public collection with a separate registration. To enable me to use both my larger private collection and smaller public collection simultaneously, I have the first in Firefox and the second in Flock – otherwise I would have to relaunch Firefox to switch collections. The feed from the public collection (no https) works in Lifestream (in fact, it has taken over my Lifestream for the moment, with a great bolus of migrated articles). Still no in-page feeds, which will require use of a plugin that enables the execution of php in a page. So as I said, a work in progress. I might look at a more generic means of mashing together a Delicious feed and a Zotero feed – the first is very useful for links, the second obligatory for properly formed citations.

For more discussion on Zotero feeds and websites, there’s this thread on the forum.