Category Archives: Radio

Delighting the ear

BBC radio plays were a staple of my Leeds years, and something I missed, far more than anything on television. Broadband internet alleviated the deprivation to a degree, but with the eight hour time difference, the experience was just not the same: Classic Serial at 7 am, The Afternoon play at 6:15 am. I did, I confess, attempt streaming audio capture, but I suspect they are just too clever for me, and the software available for the Mac too limited; I never did succeed. But my conscience was therefore left clear enough to enjoy the latest innovation from the Beeb: Each original play now goes up on the Internet for a week after original broadcast. A couple of weeks ago I went from innocence to debauchery – the second part of Watership Down followed by the first part of Flashman at the Charge, with a detour into obsession and family pathology in the Friday Play, The Marilyn Room. See the Radio 4 Arts and Drama Homepage.