SF on the BBC

BBC7 has just started replaying Stephen Moore’s reading of John Wyndham’s second published novel The Kraken Wakes. Since it had been many years since I read it, I had forgotten much of it when I heard it on BBC7, and there was quite a different pace taking it in as 16 half-hour installments with no persisting sense of what comes next , compared to the 90 minute radio drama version of The Crysalids. Stephen Moore had a gravelly, sombre delivery, appropriate for a novel that starts with the hero and his wife watching icebergs drift and calve up the Thames and discussing title and epigraph for a memoir that may never be published. A couple of weeks ago there was a three-part reading of CL Moore’s Shambleau, which once I got past the reader’s ersatz American accent, the “seduction” scene was almost unbearably suspenseful.